We are here for you.
Let us help your Community Association.
Contact the Whitney | Petchul team.
27 Orchard Rd. Lake Forest, CA 92630
P: (949) 766-4700
E: [email protected]

Frederick T. Whitney, Esq.

Dirk Petchul, Esq.

Jane L. Blasingham, Esq.

William J. Curry, Esq.

Kris J. Geiger, Esq.

Jake Harle, Esq.

Warren Katz, Esq.

Nancy Michael, Esq.

Jean M. Moriarty, Esq.

Adam Obeid, Esq.

Anne Rawlinson, Esq.

Mariana Shenoda, Esq.

Natalie Stephan

Constance Trinh, Esq.

Fabi Ampudia

Karla Cespedes

Patrick Coughlin

Greg Lent

Ricky Ng

27 Orchard Rd,
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Phone: (949) 766-4700
Email: [email protected]
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